Details that turn an ordinary video into a movie

Shooting a corporate video for the Technoplex plant

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Corporate video

Marketing Goal

Improve the company's image

Target Audience

Company contractors

Project Timeline

May-June 24

Details that turn an ordinary video into a movie

Project Overview

Quality execution and a creative approach transform ordinary videos into something more, creating an emotional connection and pride among viewers. In our latest case study from Lava Media, we share how we created an anniversary video for the TECHNOPLEX plant, focusing on its history, technological advancements, and unique team.

Project Execution

High-quality implementation and creativity help maintain good relationships. And good relationships open the way to new interesting projects and mutually beneficial cooperation. 

We have already filmed a video for the TECHNOPLEX Plant and talked about this case in detail. It can be found at this link

and we’ll leave the video itself here.

In the previous case you can get acquainted in more detail with the stages of our work, but here we will focus on the interesting points that make this work unusual.


This time we had to shoot a video dedicated to the anniversary. 

And if the previous one was built around the central metaphor of “a factory working with the precision of a clockwork,” this time we had to look at the enterprise from a new angle, from the point of view of development and history.

It was necessary not so much to advertise the products, but to focus more on the enterprise itself, on the manufacturability and efficiency of production, on the unique team. And with this everything really went very, very well. The efficiency of the TECHNOPLEX plant is constantly set as an example by the parent company (TechnoNIKOL). The company is constantly looking - and finds it every year! - opportunities to further increase the capacity of your production.

Indeed, there is something to be proud of. And therefore, the emotional background that was supposed to be transmitted was the pride of belonging. So that all employees, past and present, can feel their contribution to achieving such results.

Moreover, they (and internal customers) were the main target audience.


One of the keys to the success of any endeavor is the sincere and genuine involvement of all its participants in the work and in the process. In this sense, we got a dream customer who goes into all the details and even offers his own ideas. It was one of them that became key for us and provided a cross-cutting image that allowed us to combine history and modernity. We are talking about a board with photographs.

According to the original idea, one of the employees would find a stack of photographs, and then they would begin to “come to life.” At the stage of discussing concepts, the idea was slightly transformed, but it was the photographs that remained the central idea and theme, the axis of the plot


Modern technologies make it possible to use digital photographs by simply “pasting” them into a suitable template. But we wanted to achieve complete authenticity. Therefore - only real photographs. Both literally and figuratively. All of them were printed out especially for the video and were present in the frame in a physical image, placed on a real wall. Everything that was captured on them was no less real: the equipment, the plant itself, the stages of its construction, employees, present and future.

Photographs are frozen moments that capture a piece of reality. And this wall of photographs literally became for us and for the audience a point of contact between the past and the present. The embodiment of the path that I had to go through.

And also photographs from holidays and corporate events, all these happy faces and smiles - they really are very similar to photographs from the family archive. And this was no less important.


If for the previous video we selected an actor, then here it seemed much more logical and correct to implement it in which everyone present in the frame would be real workers of this plant. If you can set a task for an actor, ask him to show a certain emotion, then how can you help real members of the team, who are professionals in something completely different from this, to look convincing and organic in the frame?

These are specific experiences and skills, and not every director has them. Luckily for us, we just knew the right candidates. This became an additional challenge for the creative tandem of Alexey and Maria, cameraman and director, and they coped with the task perfectly.


We were faced with the task of filming a video that would show the real life of the plant and allow everyone who brought it to the current highest level to feel their contribution and once again feel like part of this big family doing one big thing. 

In addition, since the video was planned to be shown at a live event, adherence to deadlines had to be strict and precise.

Thanks to an excellent team and high-quality productive interaction of all those involved, these tasks were achieved. Here is how our customers and team members respond to the work done:

Branch Director Ivan Kuznetsov:

“Colleagues, yesterday we had two powerful things - our video and the history of the plant on the sand. Many thanks to everyone who took part. I already wrote about this - this is it. We told about us and it resonated with everyone.”

Commercial Director Nikolay Gusev:

“Good afternoon, colleagues, thank you for the quality and efficiency “just in time”, these qualities are very important for us!”

Director Maria Rudnevskaya:

“We made a good little movie! Beautiful and sincere! Lesha* and I are very happy about this!”

*Maria’s husband, cameraman on the project

We, in turn, are always pleased to justify trust and create videos that we can really be proud of.


Enough has been said about its creation, then let the video speak for itself:

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